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Water Techniques - 2915 Daimler Street,Santa Ana, CA. 92705

Water Safety FAQ’s after Southern California Wildfires

Water Safety FAQ’s after Southern California Wildfires

Question: I have a Water Techniques reverse osmosis system. Can I rely on it?

Answer: While reverse osmosis technology is typically effective, the unknown concentration levels of contaminants mean that we cannot guarantee safety. We advise against using this water for drinking until the situation stabilizes.

Question: Is it safe for my children or me to bathe in the water?

Answer: If you are in an area with a “do not use” advisory, we recommend avoiding the use of tap water for bathing, even if it has been treated through a whole-house, or reverse osmosis system.

Question: When is it safe to return home and resume water use?

Answer: Wait until all official warnings have been lifted. Before resuming normal water use, schedule a service appointment with us to evaluate, clean, and test your water treatment system.

Question: How can I better prepare for future events?

Answer: While such events are rare, adding an Ultra Violet (UV) sterilization treatment to your drinking water system can offer additional protection and peace of mind in the event of future water quality issues.

Question: I did NOT receive a notification about boiling my water or not using my water. Is it safe to rely on my equipment?

Answer: If your municipal water supply was NOT disrupted, the existing disinfection protocols and pipelines between the treatment plant and your home are secure, and there is significantly less risk of unwanted contaminants and bacteria entering your home. Your Point of Entry (POU) filtration, softening, and conditioning systems will continue to provide high-quality water for bathing, and cleaning. Your reverse osmosis drinking water system will continue to provide healthy purified water for drinking and cooking.

Question: What are the different types of water advisories we might receive?

Answer:Boil water advisories tell you to boil your tap water before using it. Boiling kills germs in the tap water that could make you sick. Do not DRINK water advisories tell you to use commercially bottled water for drinking and cooking. Swallowing chemicals or toxins in the tap water could make you sick. Do not USE water advisories tell you to use commercially bottled water for all purposes. Swallowing, touching, or having other contact with the tap water could be dangerous.

Question: How can I find which Water District or Provider serves my address?

Answer: Use our Water Techniques Water District Finder to locate the details of your local municipal water supplier. Use the information from our mapping tool to contact your water district and find information about local warnings or water quality reports.